Melissa Hartwig – Your Relationship with Food

 In Blog, MDME, Podcast

My guest in episode 5 of the MDME™ Podcast is Melissa Hartwig. She talks about what an efficient lifestyle looks like for her. She outlines why context matters, why her balance might not be the same as everyone else’s and why she stopped training today and rather decided to do some mobility and call it a day. And yes, she’ll “kick you ass” at yoga.

Who is Melissa?

Melissa is a Certified Sports Nutritionist who specializes in helping people change their relationship with food and create life-long, healthy habits. She is the co-creator of the original Whole30 program, the New York Times bestselling co-author of The Whole30 and It Starts With Food. Melissa has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Details, Shape, Outside, and Woman’s World magazines. Melissa has presented more than 200 health and nutrition seminars worldwide.

Did you know?

In her spare time, Melissa likes to take her very hot motor bike out for long rides.




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