by Mary Boudreau Conover BSNed Welcome to part 2 of STRESS. In part 1 we covered prolonged excessive exertional stress and psychological stress. Both heat stress and intense exercise reduce blood [...]
by Mary Boudreau Conover BSNed The intestinal barrier can be damaged by life threatening injuries, psychological stress1, NSAIDS, prolonged physical exertion2,3, and/or heat stress4,5,6. Heat [...]
Mary Boudreau Conover, RN BSNed I have often said that fitness is cheap. You can gain metabolic fitness in a matter of a few weeks, as well as lose it. But in the matter of strength, an essence [...]
by Mary Boudreau Conover BSNed The data from Gilman et al 2014 studies (1) on recreational marijuana use in young adults compared to nonusing controls suggested that marijuana exposure is [...]