The Paleo Solution Podcast, Episode #166- My Take

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This week I did something that I had been looking forward to: ­I was on The Paleo Solution Podcast with Robb Wolf and Greg Everett. Robb, Greg, and I have a history; we met in the CrossFit world back in the program’s infancy when there were only 10-15 people attending each certification. Since then, through thick and thin, we have remained great friends. When I listened to the podcast, I thought about how much more information I had to share, and realized the many times I was at a loss for words, overwhelmed by the fact that this was a live one-take deal! I also need to clarify a few verbal mistakes I made during the recording.  I was an athlete for the U.S. Ski Team in the ’92 and ’94 Olympic games; at one point I accidentally said ’82 and ’84. There were others blunders too, but please don’t remind me! I want to thank Robb for giving me the opportunity to tell my story, and for being interested in my athletic career and my lineage leading into today, when I was able to tell folks what I am up to with “Eva T Strength and Conditioning.” I hope that my readers will get a chance to listen and learn more about “Eva T”.  Here is the link to the Podcast:

Paleo Solution Podcast #166 HERE


NEN Workout:

10 vertical jumps, 10 push ups, 10 sit ups, 4 rounds…for time. ~GO!
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