Eva T.’s Sustainable Fitness and Optimized Health Seminar 10/25/14

To All the folks at Crossfit Cape Ann, Thank you for being such great participants! Not only did I have a great time with you, but I also learned from you. I was happy to see you were open minded and ready to be a student of your own health. As I said before, you are lucky to have the social support and environment for a different way of thinking. Thanks to Jon and Karen for having the vision.

I have made a list of some of my recommendations and will link to them below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at admin@evatstrengthandconditioning.com.

If you want an adrenal test,  schedule yourself a 10 minute free one on one appointment with me on this link HERE.  There is no obligation, and we can discuss a few of your issues privately and find out the best way to proceed for your individual needs.

Now  for some links:

If there is any other questions, or anything I might have missed please email me! . I will get back to you as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from all of you and about all of your success stories!

Take Care!


Eva T.

P.S. Be sure to Follow me on Twitter and put a “like” on my Facebook Page!


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